Friday, March 6, 2009

Big Boy, One Year Old!

This sweet boy just turned one and on the actual "shooting" day his mommy had her birthday. I brought a balloon to the shoot but quickly got "let go" up into the ceiling of the Downtown Court House.

It was a beautiful day and downtown is always so interesting to me! So many little nooks and crannies that capture me every time I do down there.

Thank you to Stacia and Israel for letting me capture their little man--and whole family!

Enjoy the cuteness...


  1. The pictures look amazing...can't wait to see the rest! I can't wait to see what God has in store for you as you start this endeavor - I know he will bless you richly, and will give you such great opportunities to use your creativity.

  2. loving the new site, Nichole! Hopefully we can get our pictures taken some time soon!!! Loving the logo's so chic!

  3. Thanks you guys! It's such a joy and glad I get to experience it with ya'll.
